Wesley Bunting | Senior Pastor

Pastor Wesley was called to serve as Senior Pastor of Faith Bible Fellowship Church of York in November of 2019. 

Wesley graduated from Elizabethtown College with a Bachelor of Arts in communications. He also earned a Master of Science degree in leadership from South University and a Master of Arts degree in theological studies from Liberty University School of Divinity. Finally, Wesley received his Ph.D. in marriage and family therapy at Eastern University.   

Previously Wesley served as an elder at New Hope Christian Fellowship in Marietta, PA, and managed Eastern University’s Harrisburg Campus as the Campus Director. Wesley has been happily married to his wife Elizabeth, and they have three children (Theo, Simon, and Gloria).

You can email Wesley at wes.bunting@faithbfcyork.org.


Kenneth Good | Elder

Ken Good has been a member of Faith Bible Fellowship Church since 1985, having served as Senior Pastor until 2000. In that year he established an insurance business and has held the position of District Sales Coordinator with AFLAC. He has been retired since 2014. He and his wife, Lorna, enjoy traveling internationally and spending time with their sons and their grandchildren. Ken serves as a lay elder at Faith Bible Fellowship Church.


Alex Kocman | Elder, Director of Communications and Worship

Alex and his wife Hanna have been members of Faith Bible Fellowship since 2018. He received his M.A. in Media and Communication Studies and B.S. in Biblical Studies through Liberty University, where he also served as an online evangelism and apologetics instructor with Liberty University Online from 2012—2014. From there, he spent two years as a youth pastor. He now serves as director of communications and engagement for ABWE and hosts the weekly Missions Podcast. Alex and Hanna have three children and one on the way.

You can reach Alex at alex.kocman@faithbfcyork.org.


Matt Fuhrman | Elder

Matthew Fuhrman works as a Project Manager at Kinsley Properties. His educational background includes a Bachelor of Science in Bible/Biblical Studies from Lancaster Bible College. He has served previously as an elder at Faith as well as a church planter. He and his wife Amy have five children.


Joshua Vann | Elder, Technical Director

Joshua Vann is a father, husband, entrepreneur, and artist in York, PA. Joshua joined the elder team in 2024. In his staff role, he combines hi deep faith with extensive technical expertise to enhance our worship and ministry events. With experience in audio, lighting, and video technology, Joshua ensures that every service and church event is presented with clarity and impact. His passion for leveraging technology in service of the gospel inspires our congregation and enhances our gathering.

Email Joshua at joshua.vann@faithbfcyork.org.


The New Testament teaches that there are two offices in the local church: pastor-elders, and deacons. Deacons do not exercise rule; rather, they are trustworthy servants committed to effectively organizing and meeting the physical and material needs of the congregation so that pastor-elders can discharge the ministry of the Word (Acts 6:1-7, 1 Timothy 3:8-13). Our deacon team is composed as follows:

  • Carl Douthit

  • Helen Gemmill

  • Brett Young

  • Aaron Brown

To contact our deacons, please email office@faithbfcyork.org.


Jean Soyke | Administrative Assistant
With a rich background in education and church administration, Jean Soyke is the organizational powerhouse behind our church operations. Jean's expertise in project management and digital communication tools, coupled with her profound love for Christ, enables her to effectively support our church's mission. Jean believes in the power of efficient administration to foster spiritual growth and community engagement. Email Jean at jean.soyke@faithbfcyork.org.

Colton Herb | Youth Ministries Director
Colton Herb brings enthusiasm and a heart for discipleship to our youth ministry. With a vision to see young people grow in their faith and understanding of God's Word, Colton leads with creativity and compassion. His background in youth mentorship and ministry provides a strong foundation for developing programs that engage and inspire our church's younger members. Email Colton at colton.herb@faithbfcyork.org.

Anna Bintavihok | Custodial Worker
Anna Bintavihok serves our church with a dedication to creating welcoming and clean spaces for worship and fellowship. Recognizing the importance of a well-maintained environment for effective ministry, Anna approaches her role with diligence and care. Her work ensures that our facilities reflect the beauty and order befitting God’s house.