The Bible Fellowship Church (BFC) is a fellowship of local churches, centered upon the Word of God and committed to reaching the lost through the transforming power of the gospel.

Over 10,000 people gather for worship in BFC churches every week. The BFC seeks to plant churches throughout the United States and reach individuals for Jesus Christ all over the world through international missions.

Is the Bible Fellowship Church a “Denomination”?

Yes, the BFC is a denomination of networked and like-minded churches. We share a common doctrinal statement and a book of church order. However, unlike some denominations, each church is organized autonomously, with pastors and elders seeking to provide spiritual leadership. Each local church is comprised of members are vital to the life of that body. Each congregation calls its own pastor, determines local leaders and ministries, and exercises spiritual care for one another. Every year, each church sends local representatives to the BFC Conference for a meeting of our sister churches. Denominational decisions are made by representatives of the local church.

Why Belong to a Denomination?

We believe that there is one global body of Christ comprised of all true believers in Christ—what historically has been called the “invisible,” “universal,” or “catholic” church. We also recognize that Scripture is our highest authority, and many have had negative experiences with forms of church organization that do not allow local elders and congregations to exercise their biblical authority.

At the same time, there are real differences among professing Christians on secondary matters of doctrine, church organization, and Christian living. The word “denomination” simply means a name assigned to something. Denominations are ways of identifying these variations within the Christian faith.

However, we also believe the pros of belonging to a network or denomination outweigh the cons. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19—20) is too big to accomplish alone. It is wise and biblical for like-minded churches to partner together for the advance of the gospel, standing on shared convictions concerning doctrine and Christian practice. We believe God is honored when like-minded believers stand together in fellowship across communities and churches, and we believe that, far too often, the glory of Christ is sullied when churches unduly cut themselves off fellowship with others.

There are also practical reasons why a Bible-believing church might consider belonging to a denomination or network of churches:

  1. Belonging to a denomination or network can provide support and resources for the church. Denominations and networks often offer resources like training programs, leadership development, and financial support to their member churches. This can be especially helpful for smaller or newer churches that may not have access to these resources on their own.

  2. Belonging to a denomination or network can provide accountability and guidance for the church. Denominations and networks often have guidelines and standards that member churches are expected to follow. This can help churches stay grounded in the biblical principles and teachings that they hold dear.

  3. Belonging to a denomination or network can provide opportunities for fellowship and partnership with other churches. Denominations and networks often provide opportunities for member churches to come together for conferences, events, and other activities. This can be a great way for churches to build relationships and support each other in their shared mission.

Every church and denomination is unique, but the best way to get to know us is simply to visit us on a Sunday morning.