From the Elders: A Loving Farewell

Beginning this month, the newsletter will be published as a series of weekly articles. This week we feature parting remarks from our associate pastor, Ricardo Vargas.

From the Elders

Dear Faith Bible Fellowship Church,

For the past seven years, I have had the immense pleasure of serving you all as a youth volunteer and as one of your pastors. As I look back at the past seven years, I am humbled that the Lord would use me to play a small part in what He was doing at Faith. First and foremost, God gets all the glory for any good done at Faith over that time. I am simply humbled that He would use me at all.

As I think about my final thoughts that I would like to share with you all, I want to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the love and support that you have shown my family and me over our time at Faith. The past seven years, we have worked through a lot of good times and a lot of challenging times, and Kasha and I truly do see you all as family. You all have been a tremendous blessing to us, and the Lord has used you all to help us grow deeper in our faith and sanctification.

I am confident that God will continue to lead this church according to His plan and purpose. As I shared on Sunday, it is my prayer moving forward that you all continue to stand firm in the faith, to seek peace amongst yourselves, to rejoice in the Lord, to be known for your graciousness, to be a praying church, and to keep your gaze on Jesus. Finally, my encouragement to you all as you continue to grow as a church, as seeds are planted, as growth begins, and as trials and tribulations may come your way, is to always stand on the Word of God. God’s Word will get you through difficult times; God’s Word will bring you closer to God; God’s Word is sufficient. God is sovereign over all things, so continue to entrust yourselves into His care. This is not a good-bye; this is until next time.

Grace and Peace, 

Pastor Ricardo Vargas