February 2024 Fellowship Connections Newsletter

From the Elders

As a church that affirms Reformed theology, we like our theological truths to be packaged in groups of five. 

• The five solas: sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), solus Christus (Christ alone), sola fide (faith alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (glory to God alone)

• The doctrines of grace: total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints

In keeping with that theme, our worship service on Sundays also follows this pattern of five components: call to worship, confession of sin, consecration to God, communion, and commissioning. This order of worship is called covenant renewal worship. Covenant renewal worship focuses on God and His glory, which is in stark contrast to many church services in our culture that focus on the felt needs of the people in attendance. Covenant renewal worship is God-centered, not man-centered.

A key component of worship in the Old Testament was the sacrificial system. Today, however, there is no need, nor will there ever be a need, to shed the blood of animals in worship. This is because we are covered by Christ's blood (more on that later). Hebrews 13:15 commands, "Through Him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name." Thus, in the first part of our service, we offer our worship as our sacrifice.

This leads us into confession of sin. We worship God for Who He is, and we are honest about who we are. We are still sinners, and our sins must be confessed for us to be in fellowship with God. 

Having confessed our sins, we are consecrated to God. Being consecrated to God happens through the reading of His Word and the preaching of His Word. As His children, we are made pure and sanctified by God's Word. Ephesians 5:26 states, "That He might sanctify her (the church), having cleansed her (the church) by the washing of water with the word."

As we are consecrated to God, we enter into communion with Him. Communion is a tangible and physical reminder that Jesus is the "once for all sacrifice" Who died in our place and covered our sins with His blood. In Hebrews 10:12-14 we read, "But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, He sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time until His enemies should be made a footstool for His feet. For by a single offering He has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified." Communion is also a feast we enjoy as God's children to bring us in communion with each other, with Jesus our big brother (Romans 8:29, Hebrews 2:10) and God our Heavenly Father.

Every Sunday we close with a benediction. This is a commissioning that sends us out in the power of the Holy Spirit to fight sin, serve others, and conquer Christ's enemies. 

As we gather this Sunday to worship our Triune God, let us come acknowledging who we are (sinners and His beloved children) and Who He is (our Great Father). By doing this, we will worship Him in a way that glorifies Him. 

— Matt Fuhrman


Congregational Meeting — If you are a member of Faith Bible Fellowship Church, please plan to stay after the service on February 4 for our annual congregational meeting. We will be voting for two elder positions and two deacon positions, as well as conducting a review of the 2023 Report Book. If you did not receive a copy of the Report Book or have additional questions, please contact Pastor Wes.

New Library Hours — The church library will only be open after the Sunday morning service. Children who would like to use the library should be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Milestone Birthday — Our senior saint Dolores Lieberknect will be celebrating her 95th birthday on February 19. If you would like to send her a card to commemorate the occasion, her address is 27 Cedar Street, Manchester, PA 17345.

Welcome, Twila Joy Vann! — The Vann family recently welcomed Twila Joy, born on January 18 at 4:40 p.m. She weighed in at 7 lbs., 11 oz. and was 20 inches long. Please continue to pray for the Vanns as they adjust to being a family of six.

Prayer Meeting — Are you free at 11:00 on Wednesday mornings? Why not spend an hour in prayer for your FBFC family and our missionaries? You don’t even need to come to the church— just join by Zoom. Not only will you be involved in important work for the Kingdom of God, but your faith will be strengthened, and you will be encouraged. Come to the next prayer meeting and see how rewarding intercession can be!

Ministry Highlight

You may not be aware of this, but there is a youth ministry at Faith Bible Fellowship Church. We currently serve youth between 7th and 12th grades, and we meet every other Friday night from 7–9 p.m. During a typical Friday night, we play some games, have some snacks, and spend time studying God's Word. The youth group is currently led by Pastor Ricardo and Colton Herb, who serves as a volunteer leader. Colton helps with games and also leads the study time as needed. Vinny DeVito graduated this past summer and currently serves as a volunteer as he continues to grow as a leader. Pastor Ricardo is currently walking through a study on sanctification with the youth, and the nights that Colton leads the study, he is walking through the book of Jonah with them.

Aside from our regular Friday meetings, we also have several other events throughout the year. Some of those events include Sno Glo (a winter retreat put on by the BFC), a camping retreat, Teen Week, lock-ins at the church, and other various trips throughout the year. We try to include various service opportunities for the youth throughout the year, like the babysitting nights our young families have found so popular.

The goal of the youth group is to create lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ. We seek to do this through our times of study and discipleship, as well as by giving the youth a place to gather with like-minded Christians and build on those relationships. If you have or know of a young person who may be interested in joining the youth group, please do not hesitate to reach out to Pastor Ricardo.

Meet Helen Gemmill

I’ve been attending this church for 59 years—yes, as long as I’ve been alive. My late father Ken served as an elder, and my late mother Thelma was the church janitor. My sister Eleanor Bosserman serves with the Bible Fellowship Church plant in Adams County.  

I have a special affinity for the building God has gifted to us. I grew up helping my mother clean the church. (I never liked having to clean the old “boys’ bathroom” downstairs). I’ve lived in Harrisburg for 28 years but love coming to my church home in York.  

When I was younger, I played practically every sport and now am an avid spectator and Steelers fan. I work as a lawyer for Central Pennsylvania’s largest and best law firm, McNees, Wallace, and Nurick. I’m looking forward to retiring in a few years and traveling more.  

I’m thrilled by the growth of our congregation. God has graciously seen this church through many challenges in our 110 years! I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve and worship with this wonderful fellowship of believers.

CEM Update

Praise the Lord! Last week it looked like Church Extension Ministries was not going to make its Christmas giving goal of $200,000, but some gifts came in at the last minute. The final total is $204,230!

So what is on the agenda for CEM in 2024? There are exciting developments ahead! Steve DelDuco, Pastor of Children, Families, and Youth at Grace BFC of Harrisburg, is planning to be, Lord willing, the church planter of a daughter church. Here are some details from his report.

  • The West Shore (Silver Springs Township) has been selected as the target area.

  • The next step is forming a Core Group Launch Team (CGLT). Together with the church planter, the CGLT will develop a vision plan for the church plant. They will make up the critical mass of faithful believers to start the church.

  • They are praying for 50–70 people (children and adults of all ages) to join the CGLT. The CGLT will devote their time, talents, and energy to the church plant, and they are praying for the Lord to provide people who have a variety of gifts including teachers, children's ministry workers, evangelists, musicians, greeters, administrators, finance people, prayer warriors, and more. About 40 people attended the first meeting on January 6 at a breakfast.

Going forward, the CGLT will meet as a small group two times a month in February. During the first half of 2024, the CGLT will continue to worship on Sunday mornings at Grace BFC. Around mid-year, they hope to transition to the CGLT worshipping separately from the rest of the church body at Grace.

Please pray for Steve DelDuco and the Core Group Launch Team members. Pray that God would add to the team. Pray for the people of the West Shore, that the Lord would prepare their hearts to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you are interested in the finding out more about the launch team, please contact Steve DelDuco at sdelduco@gracebfc.com.

Missionaries of the Month

God has brought Glenn and Leah Ruth Blauser through a difficult season recently. You may recall that the Blausers serve with JAARS (Jungle Aviation and Radio Service) at their North Carolina facilities, where Glenn packs and ships materials Bible translators need but can’t get overseas. Unfortunately, Glenn has been unable to work on this important task since October 12, when both he and Leah Ruth contracted acute viral bronchitis. It was only just before Christmas that he was able to breathe well enough to sleep in bed instead of a recliner. Leah Ruth also reports, “Since then we have been hearing so many sad things that are happening to our loved ones. Five have lost loved ones, …(and) two of our loved ones have been diagnosed with cancer, one having two surgeries because it was in two organs. Two others had surgery for blocked arteries. Others of our loved ones … are dealing with family members with dementia and/or Alzheimer’s. Basically most of the news that we are hearing from our loved ones in the last month of last year and in the few short days of this year is sad.”

However, the Blausers are not discouraged. Leah Ruth says, “I consider (God’s) promises to be life rafts in the storms of life. They truly are my life raft. I hope you can make them yours. As your new year starts, you have no idea what it may bring: It has already brought tragedy to some of our loved ones and may bring tragedy to any of us. BUT GOD is there wanting to be your rock and life raft in the midst of it all. To those of you who know Him, I hope this will encourage you in the storms of life that will come. To those of you who don’t know Him, I hope you will come to know Him so 2024 will be the year that you find His hope and His JOY!!” Please pray for the Blausers as Glenn returns to health and work and for their journey in the days ahead.