October 2023 Fellowship Connections Newsletter

From the Elders

One of the distinctives of our church is expository preaching. Expository preaching is preaching the whole counsel of the Word of God. We read in 2 Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness…” 

The benefits of expository preaching are many. You get the truth of Scripture—in context. This protects us from the danger of finding a few words that can be used to try to prove almost anything. With expository preaching, you get the whole truth, including the hard parts—not just the parts you like.  Most importantly, the Holy Spirit does not use mere moral exhortations, history lessons, or social commentaries to change lives. The Holy Spirit uses the words of Scripture. Paul tells the Philippians, “…that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life…” 

There are many who say expository preaching is outdated. They say we need less authoritative preaching and more contemporary preaching that takes into account modern culture. No! Expository preaching is the perfect medium to address a self-centered, confused, and anti-authoritarian culture. This is why you will hear expository preaching each and every Sunday from the pulpit here at Faith Bible Fellowship Church.

— Ken Good


Small Group Sign-up — It’s not too late to sign up for a life group! These groups are currently available:

  • Sunday night (adult Sunday School)- every other week (October 1 and 15)

  • Tuesday night (Christian parenting)- every other week (October 3 and 17)

  • Wednesday night (sermon review)- third Wednesday of the month (October 18)

Sign-up sheets are available in the lobby, or you can sign up online by logging into the church directory and clicking on Groups at the top of the page.

Women’s Studies — The Saturday studies are currently taking a break. However, the Ladies’ Fellowship Group on Thursday mornings will continue to meet and will start a new study at the beginning of November. See Jean Soyke for more information on this group.

Service Opportunity

Do you like to craft? Can you sew, crochet, or knit? Do you want to learn these skills? The FBFC Women’s Ministry is hosting some work sessions this fall to make blankets for a service project, Hearts and Hands. We will be making baby blankets to donate to Human Life Services around Christmas. If you already know how to make blankets and would like to donate one, there will be a donation box in the lobby throughout the coming season. Feel free to bring your project to work sessions so you can craft while enjoying fellowship. If you would like to learn some of these skills and help to make donations, several ladies will be available to help teach you a new skill. This is open to anyone (all ages) from our congregation who would like to learn and craft together. We will be meeting October 14 at 2 p.m. and November 11 at 10 a.m. to fellowship and craft together. If you are not crafty and have no desire to knit or crochet but would still like to help the cause, donations would be greatly appreciated! We are looking for:

  • 4- or 5-ply yarn

  • knitting needles

  • crochet hooks

  • Hobby Lobby gift cards

We are looking forward to wonderful times of fellowship and learning new skills together, all in service to others in our community. Contact Karla Armstrong or Carolyn Kocman for more information. 

Meet the Martins

Hello! I am Dave (Marty), and my wife is Eileen. We decided in July to look for another place to worship with God’s wonderful people. This was the first church we tried, and I believe that we are here to stay, Lord willing. It’s what we call a God thing; each Sunday we meet new folks and learn of yet something new here that the Lord is using. Both of us enjoy hearing Pastor Wes and everyone on his staff. You can feel God’s presence in sermon, prayer, and singing.

I am a truck driver, and I actually love my job, I enjoy being outside fixing stuff and studying God’s Word, and we both enjoy cruising, target shooting, and campfires year-round. We have two kids, a house, a dog, and four grandkids.

Eileen is a homemaker. She had a brain tumor in 2010 and had to quit her job which she also enjoyed; however, the Lord has used her testimony numerous times. She is a huge crafts person, especially with wreaths; she is also a great cook. Our desire is for whatever God leads us to do. We are the new kids on the block, but, Lord willing, down the road my desire is to get involved here in whatever that may be. Once again thank you for making us feel so welcome.

“Let your light so shine before men.” (Matt 5:16)

Church Picnic 2023

Tropical Storm Ophelia couldn’t dampen our spirits as we came together for our annual church picnic on September 24. The main event of the day was a chili cookoff, with about 20 different variations of the dish available for all to enjoy. The competition was tough, but the winners were:

  • Fifth place: Kasha Vargas (two entries) and Ken Good

  • Fourth place: Carolyn Mahlstedt

  • Third place: Eddie Bintavihok

  • Second place: Karla Armstrong

  • And the grand prize winner was Helen Weber! She received a lovely trophy, which she will bring back next year to bestow on the 2024 recipient.

Also included in the day’s events was our traditional cakewalk. Participants marched in a circle around the basement, hoping to be at the designated pole when the music stopped so they could choose a cake to take home. The cake table was manned by Sharon Shoff, who was then surprised by a tribute to recognize her 20+ years of serving in the church kitchen. She received a beautiful engraved plate, and Deacon Helen Gemmill mounted a plaque to show that the church kitchen had been renamed in her honor. Overall, it was a delightful time of fun and fellowship.

CEM Update

Church Extension Ministries is the church planting division of the Bible Fellowship Church. Please remember this ministry regularly in your prayers.

Praise God for His provision! CEM is grateful to report that they raised a total of $30,130 through this summer initiative— slightly above their goal. This money will be used to meet the financial needs of the church planters during the coming year. Thank you so much to those of you who contributed to this effort!

Missionaries of the Month

Some of you may remember when the Chmil family visited us last year while they were on furlough. They are now back in Togo, where Steve serves as a surgeon in a mission hospital. They are now fully back into the swing of things, with the four younger children attending the local missionary school and the oldest (Karissa) busy with a three-year writing conservatory. Mom Bethany is keeping things going at home and working toward the family goal of increased opportunities for hospitality.

One of the challenges Steve faced during his first term was spending so much time meeting medical needs that he felt like he was losing sight of the primary goal— to see the Gospel go forth fruitfully. This term he is working with a modified schedule and hopes now to have time to study the local tribal language, help Togolese believers, and preach and teach.

Please pray that God will keep the Chmils and help them make the most of the opportunities that He gives them. Pray that their team will work together harmoniously and effectively. Pray that the believers of Togo will grow in their faith and knowledge of the Scriptures. Pray that the people of Mango and the patients who come from afar would hear the Gospel and respond in faith. We thank God so much for this faithful family!